Amazing India.....

1. India never invaded any country in her last 100000 years of history.

2. Chess was invented in India.

3. Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus are studies, which originated in India.

4. India has the largest number of Post Offices in the world.

5. The largest employer in India is the Indian Railways, employing over a million people.

6. The world's first university was established in Takshila in 700 BC. More than 10,500 students from all over the world studied more than 60 subjects. The University of Nalanda built in the 4th century was one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education.

7. Until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds in the world 

8. India was one of the richest countries till the time of British rule in the early 17thCentury. Christopher Columbus, attracted by India's wealth, had come looking for a sea route to India when he discovered America by mistake.

9. The Art of Navigation & Navigating was born in the river Sindh over 6000 years ago. The very word Navigation is derived from the Sanskrit word 'NAVGATIH'. The word navy is also derived from the Sanskrit word 'Nou'.

10. Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to mankind. The Father of Medicine, Charaka, consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years ago.


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